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Face to face: INSERT—a Romanian art publishing platform


Face to face: INSERT—a Romanian art publishing platform

THU, September 12, 2024, 18:00–22:00
Institutul Prezentului
19 Erou Ion Călin, Bucharest

On THU, September 12, on the occasion of the #doijoi Bucharest event series, we invite you to meet the members of INSERT, a community of publishers, authors, booksellers, curators and readers gathered around art publishing, initiated in 2024 in Bucharest.

Launched at The Institute of the Present as a small discussion group on art publishing, INSERT is presently articulating itself as an open collective initiating actions in support of art publishing in Romania.

Current members of INSERT are: Alexandra Manole (Posibilă Gallery), Vlad Mihai (Paper Traffic), Sandra Demetrescu (National Museum of Contemporary Art), Alex Radu (SAC/ Vellant), Oana Boca Stănescu (Headsome Communication), Alina Șerban & Ștefania Ferchedău (P+4 Publications/ The Institute of the Present).

On September 12, from 18:00 to 22:00 in the Institute of the Present space, INSERT is open to all those interested in joining the discussion in a light format, next to a selection of art books published by the group members.

A Facebook group dedicated to communicating art publishing events is open at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/439533765377324

This Open Studio is part of the project “The Back Room”, cultural project co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. he project does not necessarily represent the standpoint of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN cannot be held liable for the content of the project or the manner in which the outcomes of the project may be used. These shall devolve entirely on the beneficiary of the financing.

Institutul Prezentului