Taking as a starting point the title and the cultural-comparative approach of the two “Study” exhibitions initiated by the artist Paul Gherasim in Timișoara (1978, 1981), the Study section is built around themes that are relevant to recent research on the history of visual and performing arts in Eastern Europe, as well as internationally. At the same time, the section also focuses on some cultural figures from Romania whose work overlaps in profound and unexpected ways with the artistic sphere, producing a double reverberation both in their work and in the way in which art acquires significance at a particular historical moment. What these Studies have in common is the research and critical reflection behind them, the interest in a close examination of certain artistic orientations, bias and practices that highlight the need to revise certain points of view and to introduce aspects that have been ignored up until recently but which are becoming an important component in the process of historicising the art of the past five decades.