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Situating Narratives. Strategies of History Writing in Eastern European Art


IP Regional Meeting #1

Situating Narratives. Strategies of History Writing in Eastern European Art
FRI, November 2, 10:00-18:00
SAT, November 3, 10:00-13:00
Czech Centre Bucharest, 11 Ion Ghica St.
free access, event held in English

IP—The Institute of the Present announces in the frame of its research strand the first Regional Meeting dedicated to the issue of history writing in Eastern European post-war art from the viewpoint of each local culture’s referential field. The two-day conference gathers recognized scholars and researchers in the region and beyond. The event is intended to take place biannually, addressing each time a specific topic.

IP Regional Meeting #1 regards new theoretical investigations of Eastern European post-war narratives, bringing forth critical and more nuanced analytical propositions on how to recount such narratives. Two aspects are reflected by the current conference. Firstly, it contemplates, in the light of current researches and scholarly writing, the implications of the process of adaptation of western art terminology for the generally accepted specificity of the artistic experiences in the region, pleading for a reassessment of notions and for an introduction of relevant locally-anchored terms. Secondly, it acknowledges unexplored layers of local traditions and cultural thinking, often excluded or difficult to comprehend, which can illuminate our understanding of the course of development of specific artistic expressions and their substance in Eastern European art, despite several formal affinities with global art historic discourse. The Institute of the Present event looks for a meaningful comparative ground for various theoretical perspectives reflecting on the construction of narratives in Eastern European art, on the way artists conceptualised their own terminology and their relationship to the domestic trajectories of modernity, traditional culture and global circulation of ideas.

Guest lecturers have been preoccupied with the exploration of new methodological frameworks in interpreting the different particular national conditions under which the art-making practices took place during the socialist period. The speakers include: Daniel Grúň (Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava), Klara Kemp-Welch (Courtauld Institute of Art, London), Andres Kurg (The Institute of Art History, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn), Emese Kürti (freelance art historian, Budapest), Cristian Nae (National University of Arts, Iași), Bojana Piškur (Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana), Tomáš Pospiszyl (Academy of Fine Arts, Prague), Magda Radu (Salonul de Proiecte, Bucharest). The conference concept is developed by Alina Șerban (Institute of the Present, Bucharest), who will also moderate the event.

For the event detailed programme, please DOWNLOAD THE EVENT LEAFLET.

IP Regional Meeting #1 is part of the Atlas of Personal Accounts cultural project, co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. Supported by ERSTE Foundation. Partners: Czech Centre Bucharest, CEREFREA—Villa Noël.
Event identity: Sebastian Pren.

The project does not necessarily represent the standpoint of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN cannot be held liable for the content of the project or the manner in which the outcomes of the project may be used. These shall devolve entirely on the beneficiary of the financing.

Contact: ip@institutulprezentului.ro.

Institutul Prezentului