Uncensored Act
Book presentation
Institute of the Present and P+4 Publications at
SIT+READ | Independent Artbook Fair
28– 30 October 2021
Centrul de Proiecte
Vasile Alecsandri 1, Timișoara
30 October 2021, 13:00
book presentation + screening
access based on green certificate or medical certificate attesting to the SARS-CoV-2 infection issued 15-180 days before the event
The Institute of the Present dedicates an important part of its action in the interdisciplinary field of art to the transfer of information to the public and to the mobility of the art book as object. In the frame of the „Uncensored Act” programme and in connection with the participation at SIT+READ | Independent Artbook Fair, we propose a different encounter of the public with P+4 Publications, the editorial programme developed by the Institute of the Present. Through our publications in the Artist Book Series, Parkour and Exhibition Dossier, focusing on personalities in different art disciplines, we will bring to the forefront artworks featured either visually, analysed or discussed in our books.
The titles at the centre of this event through photo, video or audio sessions featuring the artworks of the respective artists will be:
– 24 Arguments. Early Encounters in Romanian Neo-Avant-Garde 1969–1971. A Handful of Sources, 2020, the publication of the homonymous exhibitin organised in 2019–2020 at the National Museum of Art of Romania
– Diet Sayler, For a Random Structuring of Space, 2019
– Lucian Mețianu, A Sound without a Past, 2019
– Ion Grigorescu, Bucharest, 2020
The art book becomes a territory to record local histories and an informal space of dissemination with an implicit pedagogic component, aiming to familiarise the public (especially the young one) with important moments of local histories.
Satellite event:
In books and live: performance „Genesis”, by Miriam Răducanu
performance Mădălina Dan in the frame of Art Encounters Biennial
Saturday, 30 October 2021, 16:00-16:45
ISHO Pavilion, 46C Blvd. Take Ionescu
P+4 Publications is an independent publishing programme dedicated to the promotion of Romanian contemporary art, photography and architecture, exploring the book medium as a point of encounter between theoretical research, graphic design experiment and artists’ ideas and subjects present in their practice. Presently, the programme brings together the Artist Book Series and the Architecture Book Series, supported between 2013–2021 by the PEPLUSPATRU Association, and Parkour și Exhibition-Dossier series, developed by the Institute of the Present since 2017. Starting from 2021, P+4 Publications is coordinated by the Institute of the Present.
IP—The Institute of the Present is a research and an artist resource platform in the field of visual and performing culture conceived by Ștefania Ferchedău and Alina Șerban, established in Bucharest. Centred on artists and their personal accounts, on time-specific encounters and forms of (self) archiving, the Institute looks at various practices and situations from the recent past until today from a transnational and transcultural perspective.
The “Uncensored Act” programme is developed by The Institute of the Present in the frame of the Cultural Programme Timișoara 2023—European Capital of Culture.
Production support and facilitation: Cosmin Manolescu, Rudy Teianu, Mihaela Tilinca, Robert Frank
Partners: SIT+READ, Art Encounters, Fundația TRIADE
Photograph by Serioja Bocsok
Cultural project included in the TM2023 RESTART priority cultural programme of the Projects’ Centre of Timișoara Municipality, undertaken with the support of Timișoara Municipality and of Timișoara Local Council. The cultural project does not necessarily represent the standpoint of Timișoara Municipality and of Timișoara Local Council. The content of the cultural project and the way in which its results may be used represent the exclusive responsibility of its authors and of the beneficiary of the funding. Timișoara Municipality and Timișoara Local Council cannot be held liable for the content of the project or the manner in which this may be used.
Contact: ip@institutulprezentului.ro, www.institutulprezentului.ro